Published 02/25/2014
Alan Bradley Roofing - Best Quality at the Best Price for Roofing Specialists in Tucson, AZ
There are many roof related repairs and tasks that a do-it-yourselfer can undertake with confidence, but not many weekend warriors care to take on the task of completely installing an entire new roof themselves. It is to the homeowner’s advantage to sound knowledgeable about the terminology used in roofing, however. It helps when shopping at the local home improvement store and it can allow a roofing professional to be more detailed in explaining what he believes the homeowner needs in a major roofing installation. Here are some key terms.
In years past, the bottom edge of a home’s roof always consisted of shingles extending slightly beyond the edge of the roof deck. That is still acceptable in many areas to meet local code, but increasing numbers of municipalities now require that new roof installations include a drip edge. A drip edge is a metal strip under the final run of shingles at the edge of the roof deck. Water still can seep under the exposed edge of the shingles, particularly in hard, wind driven rains. If it seeps under shingles on a roof with a drip edge, it meets only a metal surface it cannot harm. The drip edge prevents damage to the wood roof deck.
Virtually everyone knows that attic areas need to be ventilated to remove excessive heat and humidity. Many homeowners achieve ventilation using a wind- and heat-driven turbine, but ridge vents more effectively provide ventilation for larger areas of the attic. As is the case with the drip edge, many municipalities now require that ridge vents be used in all new residential construction. Some homeowners choose to have ridge vents added. Others choose to replace turbine systems only when the roof needs to be replaced. There are many types of ridge vents available. Some have the appearance of a simple ridge cap, but one trend in roofing is to use contrasting colors or materials for the ridge vent.
Roofs streaked with unsightly dark lines of algae became common shortly after shingle manufacturers began replacing asphalt with fiberglass. The fiberglass was not heavy enough to resist lifting in heavy winds, so manufacturers added limestone to provide needed weight. What no one knew at the time was that algae would see that limestone as a food source. Because algae never grew in areas under metal flashing, manufacturers now offer algae-resistant shingles that still contain limestone but also contain algae-inhibiting metal. This type of roofing shingle is more expensive than shingles that are not algae resistant, but it creates a roof that does not develop those unsightly streaks that eventually require cleaning. These are just a few of the terms that a homeowner should be familiar with when researching roof options. They provide a foundation that allows the homeowner to ask good questions and make the best decisions about his home.
Contact Alan Bradley Roofing for more information and we will be happy to assist you on all your roofing needs.
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